Ramblings 2.0
Wow, it's been an utterly crazy 7 months since I last blogged. Working hard? yep. Busy most nights? yep. Ahh the joys of working two jobs (There would be a smiley emoji there if I could put one in).
I must admit keeping up with anything else apart from delivering customer orders has been tough, hence why the blogs have not been appearing. There is a backlog to come.
So more importantly what and who have I been photographing? Well beautiful little families, weddings big and small, a few dancers too. A few brands, a few headshots and the odd occasional landscape when the mood takes me (not very often).
Since I last blogged which was on the old website (I'll get into that in a minute). I've had 7 weddings ranging from a monster of 14 hours with 2+ hours of travelling either side, to a 3 hour one with a 10 min walk from my house, cue some wedding photos.
Only one of these weddings has the wedding blog up, so please come back and read this when you get to the end, or click now to open a new window. Click HERE
I've updated the website, which,if you have looked around, thanks for visiting. If not go and have a look once you've finished reading. This update was not without drama and maybe why I've not had much traffic as I've not really been shouting about it. I've had a website updated on my to do list for about a year. However I had planned to have a play with a few new formats, I thought this was very much like a powerpoint but this was not the case.
Now this is a story all about how my website got flipped-turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the most panicked photographer in a town called Whitley Bay.... (doesn't really have the same ring to it, but hey worth a shot)
So there is me sitting one morning looking through new formats to pop on the site, Thinking it would just change the formats and bang there is a new website looking all sweet with a few bits of image updates and generally all feeling new, Well no.....
Instead of a lets apply this format, the warning message that popped up was... "creating your new website" and with no cancel button.... S***.. No website in the back end. A few moments of utter panic a few choice words with myself.
All of about 3 minutes later, I decided this was a good thing. I was no longer bound by what I'd already built. Onto the old online version to save a copy of the old bits I wanted to transfer. Back to hardware mode for a full rebuild. New photos, new layouts and new way to navigate. I hope you agree that it is much smoother and better looking than the last one.
3rd birthday (yes back in September), I don't mind if I do. I've made it this far and on track with where I wanted to be. I'm amazed I've got this far, but I'm here. I won't lie there are a few moments I've thought about quitting and hanging up the lenses (most likely selling it), but not today, even though I'm sat at 9 pm on a Friday night working away, yes with the occasional staring at the ceiling wondering what the **** I am doing.
Do I take landscape photos? I do keep getting asked, well the normal answer is no, not really. I'm stilled a little bowled over by the first attempt I took the other night of trying to photograph the supermoon and for me, this was one of the easiest photos I've taken this year. No one to bother me, stand, manual focus on a tripod and click, 2 shots later and the 3rd one produced the below. It only took a a few tweaks of settings and there you have it. If you can zoom in on the shot below do so as I've been amazed by the stars. Has it made me think about shooting a few different astral shots... yes, but for me I love the interaction with people.

For Landscapes I occasionally take one when while on shoots, mostly when the moment feels right, the sky looks cool, the sun coming through the trees or dunes etc. I've not really spent time developing my skills in this area to take the photos, as I most certainly prefer to take your portrait. However as I'd also been asked to put together the landscape shots I'd done for a client, these are now available on the link below for you to look at . Please feel free to have a click and look in and see if there is anything you like. You never know it might make a great Christmas present, I've got about 1 week left before the order book is shut for 2017. (p.s. if you're a wedding client the albums and canvas ordering is already shut for this year)
This gallery does include some of the photos from when I was on a month long travel to Seattle and Vancouver and a recent trip to Venice too.

Have I been published again since I last blogged, no, but I've got a couple in the works and one definite one in the new year for a project I've been running, which they've asked for exclusivity on. Which is an utter pain, but it will be worth it, Thanks to those who have been participating as it's pretty cool. Fingers crossed you all like it when it comes out.
I'm planning on working my way through the back log of wedding blogs over the winter. I've also been to a number of wedding open days and there are a few more to come next year. New display material is also there, which are utterly awesome, one in particular is a 24*16 canvas print and you can see everyone's eyelashes, it's beautiful. If you want to check out the current wedding blogs then please take a click here and read up.
There is something supremely cool about getting photos in print. For all of you who don't get photos printed and just look at them digitally, you are missing out big time (also don't just go for a 6 by 4, you need something at least a 12 by 18 (inches). I'm waiting on a massive print order with a number of albums, prints large and small, a couple of canvases, I'm quite excited to see these in the flesh. I recently got a full set of prints for new display material and for orders and was just so schoked at the quality I was stood open mouthed at the amazing quality in front of me, The moral of the story always get prints and get them as large as your room will take.
This is one of my own holiday photos that I recently got blown up to a 20 by 30 for my dining room wall. The detail on the print even shows up the dimples on the road sign.

Do you want regular updates by me? then the best place to find them is on Instagram, I am finding the stories pretty cool at the moment, way better than facebook ones, so go on, give me a follow, thanks
Follow me at @rennisonraephotography
Yes I must be rambling so much today, so apologies for any typo's or terrible grammar, I will be firmly told off by at least 3 grammar police, at some point for publishing this.
Thank you so much for the continued support and I look forward to writing more and getting back out to photograph more soon.
No dancing shots today, although that blog will come soon (dancing 2017). I want to leave you some family shots I've taken towards the end of the summer and with a cheeky note to say. If you're missing a Christmas Gifts you can always purchase a gift voucher. just contact me here.
If you like my blog, please can I ask for your support to share, like, love and generally help me keep growing. There is all the usual facebook twitter, linked in links below.
Thank you again for reading and type at you soon!